SonicWall Product Lifecycle
Product Milestones and Retirement Notifications
Over time, products and services go through a natural lifecycle and eventually reach their end of life (EOL). Some of the reasons for this include the availability of newer, more functionally rich products, enhancements to the product or service and market demands. When a SonicWall product reaches EOL, SonicWall may choose to discontinue the sale or support of the product or service. At each stage throughout the product lifecycle process, SonicWall will provide information as the milestones are reached. Our approach to product lifecycle management includes five post-release phases, Last Day Order (LDO), Active Retirement Mode (ARM), Last Day Order for 1-Year Support, Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) and End of Support (EOS). This information is designed to customers better manage the end-of-life transition and understand how SonicWall can assist the migration to current SonicWall products and services.
For an active list of Product Lifecycles and their current status, please click here!
Policies and Guidelines:
- SonicWall will, as a general rule, provide 45-day advanced notification of a product's Last Day Order date. See the Last Day Order description below for additional information.
- Hardware warranty will be available for a period of up to five years from the Last Day Order date. SonicWall will replace defective products in accordance with our Return Materials Authorization policy.
- Software and firmware support will be available for a period of up to five years from the Last Day Order date subject to the Active Retirement Mode and Limited Retirement Mode phase descriptions below. Please note, it may be necessary to upgrade the software or firmware on the product to correct a reported issue.
- Continuous active support is required on each product to receive support through the end-of-life period. Please contact us if you have questions concerning your SonicWall product and its support status.
- For SonicWall CDP Series products and those products that were transitioned to Active Retirement Mode prior to August 6, 2013, SonicWall provides software/firmware and hardware support for up to three years from the Last Day Order date.
SonicWall Software Support EOS Schedules
SonicWall provides support for SonicWall Aventail, Email Security and Continuous Data Protection Series (CDP) software to those customers with an active support contract on these products. SonicWall encourages all customers to remain on the latest maintenance release of a fully supported version. Keeping up with the latest maintenance release offers a proactive model for avoiding known issues and allows your organization to take advantage of all the resolutions provided in the latest maintenance release.
Product Life Cycle Phases Definitions
- Last Order Day - Last Day Order is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
- ARM - Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firmware available for the device. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout ARM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is two years beginning one day after the end of Last Day Order.
- 1 Year LDO - 1-Year Support Last Day Order represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
- LRM - Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
- End of Support - End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention.